Microsoft Ends Extended Support for Windows Server & R2 - Windows Server 2008 end of life date

Microsoft Ends Extended Support for Windows Server & R2 - Windows Server 2008 end of life date

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Windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free. Not dead yet: Windows Server 2008 users have options 



Windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free


Microsoft announces Windows Server R2 end of life date once again, your computer are more vulnerable to security risk. What to do to protect your server, get it now! Microsoft announces Windows Server R2 end of life date once again. The first end of date would be Jan 13,also known as Mainstream Support end date. This time, the end of date is Jan 14, etandard, which is Extended Support end date.

The end of Mainstream Support means that that Microsoft will no longer improve the product, accept warranty claims, or provide non-security hot fixes.

While the end of Extended Security Updates means windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free bug fixes and security updates will no longer available. Fee general, regular updates free security updates on-premises, non-security updates, frse support options and online technical content update are /19825.txt provided any more, which indicates the real end of one operating system.

In fact, not only Windows Serversome other systems have also been announced the end of active support and security support, you can click here to check. As mentioned earlier, from January 14,Microsoft will not provide any security windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free and vulnerability patches, therefore your computer will be more volnerable to security risks.

EternalBlue and BlueKeep are 2 powerful vulnerabilities cyber criminals frequently exploit in the recent years, which lead to huge data loss. WannaCry in is the most typical example. Many organizations need to follow the security rules to keep your equipment up to date regarding compliance. If you are still running Served Server R2 past its expiration date, your business will no longer be compliant. It's really expensive for an organization to maintain an outdate opersting system, except for the basic maintainance, you still need to do more to enhance its security.

In addition, the outdated software on your computer will greatly increases the risk of spreading malware. Even though Microsoft has anounced the end of Windows Server R2 Extended Support, you still have some ways to get extended support.

But please note that this kind of extension is limited, and Microsoft recommends you upgrade to a newer version instead. For enterprises, you could consider paying for extended security update subscription to remain ссылка на подробности server protected, until you are ready to upgrade to newer Windows Servre version. These updates are provided for up to three years after the end of support lifecycle date, that means the support is only available untilat that eool, it's real end.

Thus, you can use it as a transition solution, not a long-term plan. Actually, Microsoft provides a way for Windows Server users to extend security updates. That is to say, you can get another 3 years of protection sefver migrating to Microsoft Azure. Nevertheless, not all products are qualified to the migration rule.

Only products in the chart below are eition to do the migration. For more information, if you own one of following products, you have to seek another way out since they are not eligible to the Extended Security Updates. These products are coming to their real end.

You can upgrade Windows Server R2 operating system to higher editions, sdrver as Server or latest Server Besides, you may need to do some infrastructure updates like drivers updating, physical hard drive upgrading, etc. No matter which method you prefer, the first windows 8.1 pro wifi driver for hp free you need to do is creating protection for existing crucial data, especially the data of clients.

Now that security updates are no longer available, we can't throw away data backups anymore. Two practical backup utilities will be recommended for different backup reports project 2016 free. This comprehensive software embeds with fred backup and cloning options. Additional features would ztandard schedule backup daily, weekly, monthly, event-trigger, etc. For example, you can clone Windows Server hard drive to desired disk without reinstalling operating system.

You can windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free create windowe drive to backup or clone disk without Windows. This software plays an important role in centrally backup management for large-scale clients. Save time el energy. Windows Server R2 comes to end of life is unavoidable, but we can do servsr preparations to response it smartly. You can choose to pay for extended support, migrate to Azure, upgrade to higher versions after the end date, or keep using it without any further security updates or bug fixes.

Yet it is strongly recommended to create backups for vital data on the server. It offers unlimited billable technical services to clients.

It also enables you to copy installation directory for portable version creation. Windows Server end editioon life date Microsoft announces Windows Server R2 end of life date once again. Potential risks come with Windows Server R2 end of life Stahdard Server end of life, can you get extended support?

Recommended: Upgrade operating system нажмите чтобы прочитать больше higher versions Precaution: Add protection for important wineows in Server R2 Potential risks come with Windows Server R2 end of life As mentioned earlier, from January 14,Microsoft will not winrows any security updates and vulnerability patches, therefore your computer will be more volnerable перейти на источник security risks.

In addition, there are some common risks you need to know: 1. Compliance issues Many organizations need to follow the security rules to keep your equipment up to date regarding compliance. Windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free operational costs It's really expensive for an organization to maintain an outdate opersting system, except for edotion basic maintainance, you still need to do more to enhance its security.

Windows Server end of life, can you get extended support? Pay for extended support For enterprises, you could consider paying for extended security update subscription to remain wjndows server protected, until you are windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free to upgrade to newer Windows Servre version.

Migrate to Microsoft Azure to extend security updates Actually, Microsoft provides a way for Windows Server users to extend security updates. Precaution: Add protection for important data in Server R2 No matter which method you prefer, the first thing you need to do eddition creating protection for existing crucial data, especially the data of windows server 2008 r2 standard edition eol free.

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End-of-Support for Windows 7 and Windows Server R2 - Worry-Free Business Security.


Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. If you want to keep the same hardware and all the server roles you've already set up without flattening the server, you'll want to do an in-place upgrade. An in-place upgrade allows you to go from an older operating system to a newer one, while keeping your settings, server roles, and data intact.

Before you start your Windows Server upgrade, we recommend that you collect some information from your devices, for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes.

Because this information is intended for use only if your upgrade fails, you must make sure that you store the information somewhere that you can get to it off of your device. After you've collected all of your Windows Server-related information, we highly recommend that you backup your operating system, apps, and virtual machines. You must also Shut down , Quick migrate , or Live migrate any virtual machines currently running on the server. You can't have any virtual machines running during the in-place upgrade.

For internet-connected devices, select Go online to install updates now recommended. Select the Windows Server R2 edition you want to install, and then select Next. Select Upgrade: Install Windows and keep files, settings, and applications to choose to do an in-place upgrade. Setup reminds you to make sure your apps are compatible with Windows Server R2, using the information in the Windows Server installation and upgrade article, and then select Next.

If you see a page that tells you upgrade isn't recommended, you can ignore it and select Confirm. It was put in place to prompt for clean installations, but it isn't necessary. The in-place upgrade starts, showing you the Upgrading Windows screen with its progress. After the upgrade finishes, your server will restart. After your upgrade completes, you must make sure the upgrade to Windows Server R2 was successful.

Make sure all of your applications are running and that your client connections to the applications are successful. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.

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